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Red Dot Award 2017

Sleek Design with Cutting-Edge Touch Technology

The Red Dot Award, one of the world’s largest design competitions, tracks the most prominent trends and appraises the best products worldwide. The award is divided into three disciplines: Product Design, Communication Design, and Design Concept. Companies from over 50 countries have registered products and innovations. The award demonstrates how using industrial design as a foundation will lead to success. The new noax S21WP industrial PC with PCAP touch technology won the Red Dot Top Product Design 2017 Award.

The rugged housing is made of finely polished stainless steel, coupled with a non-reflective touchscreen made of hardened safety glass. noax Technologies‘ new S21WP industrial PC is groundbreaking in terms of PCAP touch technology for industrial applications. The S21WP is the first industrial PC of its kind that offers modified PCAP touch technology that can be operated with gloves.

The precise multi-touch functionality offers intuitive, smartphone-oriented gesture control. The PC also features an IP69K protection rating, network cards, and comprehensive on-board interfaces to allow the device to be univerally applicable in any type of harsh envrionment. The S21WP is the result of extensive research and development by then design team at noax Technologies. The noax team can be proud to have the Red Dot seal.

Red Dot Award: Panel of Judges Consists of 40 Design Experts from Around the World

The competition attaches significant amount of importance to the independent judging panel. In order to ensure credibility, no judge may be employed by an industrial company. The approximately 40-person panel of experts reviewed all products on-site for three days. The degree of innovation, quality, functionality and ecological compatibility are just some of the criteria that are used in the judging process. Products that stand out from the competition thanks to their design have earned this quality seal. The Red Dot Gala will host final celebratory festivities on July 3, 2017 at the Aalto-Theater in Essen.

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