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noax Front USB: Easy Access with Maximum Security

Modifications can be made to all noax Compact Series IPCs thanks to a USB port installed on the front of the IPCs. The front USB port allows for easy access and is the ideal solution for tough environments. It is simple to access, but also resistant to dirt and water.

User-friendly USB Port

Is it possible to update software and configure parameter settings? The answer lies in the location of the connectors. The USB port located on the front guarantees easy access regardless of how the IPC is installed. Easier access and faster handling saves time results in lower costs for customers. Maintenance tasks, data transfers, and updates can be performed instantaneously.

IP65 Protection Rating

A rubber cover seals the connection port completely according to protection class IP65. A second seal prevents water and dirt from penetrating the housing regardless if the rubber seal has been damaged or left open. This is an advantage only noax can offer, and promises customers product longevity without downtimes.

Furthermore, the IPCs have protection from unauthorized accesses. The deactivation of the front USB port guarantees only authorized staff can access data. The deactivation via the noax hardware cannot be circumvented by other software solutions. The noax “NSetup” tool provides protection from unwanted use and is accessible only admin mode.

Quick and easy

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