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noax stainless steel industrial computers capture data at Glacier Fish Company

Extreme environment

“With the help of noax computers,” remarks the Technology Manager, “we are building systems that make it possible to promptly find production mistakes or inefficiencies during the production process as opposed to weeks or even months later. This translates to immense savings due to increased efficiency and reductions in customer product claims.” TheTechnology Manager credits the noax computers with being tremendous time savers for the factory manager, eliminating time spent recording and double checking the data. “Quite simply, you run your report and here’s your production information. From the time the fish is harvested through every check point in the production facility we are adding to our data resolution.”

IPC Requirements:

  • Accurate recording of the aggregate weight of fish caught using real-time communications and data collection
  • Precise quality control information to ensure traceability, product safety, and product quality
  • Ability to communicate with different points within the processing factory and with the headquarters in Seattle
  • Quick data entry in this fast-paced operation
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